Dr. Jakob Nieben
Address: Calle Bolivar 8-16 y Calderon, Otavalo
Phone: (Cell) 099-247-2778
Additional Information: Dr. Jakob Nieben was trained in Germany and speaks English, German, Spanish
Dr. Alvaro Dávalos
Address: Hospital Metropolitano, Quito
Phone: (Cell) 099-973-6264 (Landline) 02-226-0575
Email: adavalosp@ecnet.ec
Additional Information: Dr. Alvaro Dávalos speaks English
Dra. Luz Marina Vega
Address: Pedro Moncayo between Garcia Moreno and 9 de octubre (white building), Cotacachi
Phone: (Cell) 099-944-7657
Opening Hours: 9AM – 1PM and 4PM – 7PM
Additional Information: Speaks Spanish and limited English.
Dra. Kuri Tituana
Phone: 098-345-0491
Additional Information: Dra. Tituana specializes in geriatric care, pallative care and chronic illnesses. She speaks English.
Dr. Franciso Benavides
Phone: 098-540-3919
Additional Information: Dr. Benavides speaks English and comes to your home.
Dr. Fabian Vaca Escheverria
Address: Bolivar 6-54 and Segundo Luis Moreno, Cotacachi
Phone: (Cell) 099-445-4971, (Landline) 06-291-6033
Email: drvaca24@yahoo.es
Opening Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8AM – 9AM and 2:30PM -7PM / Tuesday and Friday 4PM – 7PM / Saturday 9AM – 12PM and 2:30PM – 6PM
Additional Information: General Practitioner. Dr. Vaca is from Ukraine.
Dra. Maria Elena Guerra
Address: Calle Cristobal Colon 4-88 y Vincente Rocafuerte, Ibarra
Phone: (Landline) 06-295-1047 (Cell) 099-553-0476 or 099-378-0859
Email: chemflor@gmail.com
Additional Information: Dra. Guerra is a Family Medicine Doctor with a diploma in Alternative Therapies. She has ozone therapy, acupuncture and natural medicine products at her office.